TH-11 Resurrection of Christ - Decent Into Hell - Hanging Tapestry Icon, 14 Inch Tall Including Hanger Part

The Resurrection - Decent Into Hell Icon

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"...He descended in Hell; the third dat=y He rose again..."

from the Apostes Creed

"Christ is risen from the dead by his death he trampling down death by death granting life to those in their graves." -

Troparion of Pascha

The Resurrection of Christ in iconography is represented as- one is Christ's decent into hell in which he destroyed the bonds of Hates by pulling our ancestors Adam and Eve as well as Old and New Testament saints from their graves and two the His physical resurrection from the dead. This icon is the summation of our faith - for if Christ did not raise from the dead our faith would be in vain.

In this tapestry we see Christ surrounded by a nimbus of power with one hand pulling our forefather Adam from the grave and with his other hand hold the Cross as a symbol of our liberation from sin. Pictured in the back ground are three crosses and in the front the empty tomb.

Icon Measures 10 1/4 inch x 7 3/4 inch

Including Wooden Parts 8 3/4 inch wide
Including Hanger Part from top to bottom 14 inch tall